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We Will End the Restavek System in Our Lifetime

By Daniel Fontil,
Child Advocate

Restavek Freedom is working to change the lives of many
children living in restavek in Haiti.  Restavek
Freedom has several programs which are very important.  In my opinion, Child Advocacy is one of the
greatest programs; allow me to explain.

Most of these children are considered slaves by those with
whom they are living, and they are treated as such.  They are not treated as humans should be treated.  The children are expected to do many chores
that not even adults would do.  It is
very hard for them.

These children do not have people to care for them or
provide psychosocial support for them.  They live hopelessly and get angry easily,
because what we call love, they do not find at home.  Instead, all they find are many chores and punishment.
When a child living in restavek cooks
for the family, she serves everyone else first.
By the time she goes to eat, sometimes all she finds is the least
desirable part of the food that was left in the boiler.

In Haiti, when you say or hear the word “restavek,” you know
it means living with someone in the absence of rights; it means serving people
and it means not attending school.  It
means doing many things that the people with whom you are living will never do,
but that you are forced to do.  

Fortunately, Restavek Freedom has created a bridge for these
children so that they can be free.  This
bridge is what we call “Child Advocacy.”  In the Child Advocacy Program, we go
regularly to the children’s schools, we help them with their studies, and we sometimes
visit them at their homes to talk to them and encourage them.  We do this because we all believe that they
will have a bright future if we help solve this problem.

In the Child Advocacy Program, we establish a positive and
collaborative relationship with the kids, school principals, teachers and others,
encouraging them to value these children and make them feel human.  We also talk with them about why it is not
good to allow a child to continue living and working this way.  We do this because we want to put an end to
this system
. This is why Restavek Freedom has created many ways to
value these children and provide them with many opportunities.

It is exciting when a child is talking to an advocate and
says, “I feel better now because of Restavek Freedom.”   As an advocate,
I sometimes ask, “Why you feel better now?”   The answer
is always, “I feel better because I go to school, I can write, I can read, and
I have someone who cares for me.”  Wow, how
amazing is it to hear that from a child?

I’m thankful for all
of Restavek Freedom’s programs; most of all, I’m thankful for the Child
Advocacy Program with which I am involved.
I do believe we will end the restavek system in our lifetime.

Restavek Freedom

Published by
Restavek Freedom
Tags: advocacy advocate children freedom haiti kids labor modern day slavery restavek slavery social work work

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