With the first Songs for Freedom finalist chosen from the South department earlier this year, the event headed this past…
By: Heather Gentzel Restavek Freedom Communications and Child Sponsorship CoordinatorThis week a few of us from the Restavek Freedom U.S. office…
This week a few of us from the Restavek Freedom U.S. office were invited to a local school to talk…
With our line of work, we hear a lot of stories. We hear stories of heartache and brokenness as we…
With our line of work, we hear a lot of stories. We hear stories of heartache and brokenness as we work…
By Robenson SAINT-HILAIRE, Child AdvocateJuline* is in the 8th grade. She is 17 years old. When she joined our program…
Juline* is in the 8th grade. She is 17 years old. When she joined our program five years ago, she…
Despite efforts to abolish slavery in all its forms, slavery still exists in many ways today, including child slavery. There…
Despite efforts to abolish slavery in all its forms, slavery still exists in many ways today, including child slavery. There…
Why are you proud of Haïti? One of the answers you might hear when asking the Haitian people this is:…