By Saphira*, a beautiful girl from our
Transitional Home

Shared by Natalie Hagan, Exhibit and
Special Projects Coordinator

My name is Saphira*. I still
remember the day when Mommy Adeline and Aunt Djougine came to pick me up at Portail

Aunt Francoise and Jean Marie
were my advocates when I was in the Child Advocacy Program. I lived in my uncle’s
house as a restavek. When I explained to Aunt Francoise and Jean Marie what
kind of life I was living, how my uncle and his wife mistreated me, the
advocates told me they would find me a place where people would love me and
treat me well.  It was true! 

I was very anxious to leave.
Sincerely I have no regret. 

On January 3, 2011, I waited
for Mommy Adeline and Aunt Djougine for a few minutes with my brother at the
gas station. This was the first time I met Mommy Adeline. I would never have
imagined that she would be the most loving person in my life.  Nahomie*, Rachel*, and Widline* were the
first girls I met at the Transitional Home.

I was happy to live in the
beautiful and big house, and have my very own bed for myself. It was the first
bed I ever had. In this home I found love, affection and attention. I was able
to get a uniform and go to school. I was weak when I entered the home, but
there I was well-nourished. The first gift I received for Christmas was from
Life Church, in December 2011.  I felt

Now I am in 12th grade.  This is really significant for me.  I am not perfect, but I understand what
Restavek Freedom did for me, what the staff did for me, and especially Mommy
Joan. Being in the Transitional Home made me into the woman I am today. And I
am a woman on the way to being successful and helping my country.

Thank you Restavek Freedom,
thank you Mommy Joan. Thank you to the staff in Haiti and Cincinnati.  Thank you to the Transitional Home staff.
Thank you to Aunt Djougine and Mommy Adeline. Now I understand what it means to
love and have a family.

A special thank you to everyone
who has helped change my life with their love and helped me to have a good
vision for my future!

My dream to be a diplomat
will come true.

In the name of all of my
sisters, THANK YOU!

To help change a life like Saphira’s, sponsor a child
today. It only takes a $1 a day to help make a difference. Visit

*Names have been changed to
protect the children’s identity.