Happy Thanksgiving!  In honor of the U.S. holiday, we asked our Child Advocates in Haiti what they are most thankful for.  They each have so much they are grateful for that we couldn’t possibly fit it all in one blog!  So, we’re doing something special. Each day this week we’ve revealed a different advocate’s answer!  Today, last but definitely not least, hear from Mathia, Marie Yolaine, Samuel and Francoise!

I am most grateful to God for the leaders of Restavek Freedom who have this special heart to see Haiti free of the restavek system, where every child has a voice and the opportunity to achieve their goals.

I thank God because he gives me life, health and enjoyment. I also thank him because I am part of the Restavek Freedom staff, where I have the opportunity to work with the kids who are in the restavek system in Haiti.
-Marie Yolaine

I’m most grateful for the most precious gift that God gives me, and that is LIFE.

What I am most grateful to God for in my life, is that God puts love in my heart for everyone, and He also puts in my way many good people who are role models for me to serve Him better.