By Emily Iddings, Graphic Designer/Communications Coordinator

Santa has come down the street in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, we’ve stuffed our faces with delicious food while enjoying the company of our loved ones, slept off our food comas, and now the Christmas season is officially here. 

I don’t know about you, but while I love giving gifts, the pressure of giving the right gift can sometimes overwhelm me!  Just finding the time to figure it out can be a challenge, not to mention figuring out what to get those who already have EVERYTHING they need!

The children in our program have many things they would like for Christmas…but instead of toys and video games, they have much simpler, need-based wishes. Below are the top 5 things kids in our program need, and want, for Christmas. 


1. Food
Most of our children are the last ones to eat at home, if they are given any food at all. When they come to school, their stomachs are often growling, and trying to sit through lessons while hungry is nearly impossible. We would love to provide every child in our program with a healthy meal each day. 

If you would like to give food to a child, click here.


2. Clothing
If you’ve been around children, you know how rough they can be on their clothes!  Add working day in and day out to the wear and tear on a child’s clothes, and you’ve got some very tattered clothing.  We would love to provide extra clothes to our children.  

To give a child the gift of clothing, click here.


3. Care Kits
The children in our program work hard in the homes they live in. More often than not, they aren’t given time for a quick bath, let alone any soap, deodorant or a toothbrush. By providing these children with care kits, you will be helping not only with their hygiene, but you will also build their self-confidence. 

To give a child a care kit, click here.


4. School Shoes
Our kids get one pair of school shoes at the beginning of the school year through our Child Advocacy Program. By the end of June, these shoes are completely worn through, and many of the kids have outgrown them. We need your help to provide these children new school shoes as they are needed. 

To give a child a pair of school shoes, click here.


5. Uniforms
The kids in our program are also fitted for one uniform at the beginning of each school year. By the end of the year the uniforms are no better than rags, from being washed and worn so often.  When you purchase an extra uniform through the Freedom E-Store, our advocates can give a second uniform to children as they need it. 

To give a child a school uniform, click here.

To give any of these gifts, or to see more gifts you can give to the children in our program, visit our Freedom E-Store at  Happy Holidays!