Written by Osbert Victor, Child

The island Haiti occupies was once called “The
Pearl of the Antilles” because people believed it was like living in paradise. Haiti
was a country of freedom, filled with brave heroes devoted to keeping that
freedom alive. Nowadays, the Haitian people feel forsaken and betrayed, as
though even the government doesn’t really care about them. The country has
reached a point in which life is incredibly difficult for its people.

The majority of parents don’t have the means to
take care of their children. Some parents hope to find someone else to help
them, by sending them to live in restavek with a host family: a family that
promises the world, but often does the exact opposite.

The only hope children have in this country is
their education. Education is a right for any human being, but more than
anything, for children. Children are the future, and it is so important to
educate them in order to save Haiti’s future.  

Life is challenging for children living in Haiti
because many don’t have anyone to help them realize their dreams. Children in
Haiti have far more difficulty trying to succeed in life than many children
living in other countries, but with an education they can have hope to become
someone in society.  They can dream big
and live with hope knowing that even though their situation might be difficult
today, they have the chance to go to school and have a different future.

I believe education is important for children in
Haiti because this is their hope to succeed in life, and because this is what
will change the next generation.