By Nathacha Lucien,
Child Advocate

Three years ago, Michelene* was living in the Dominican Republic
with her aunt.  At the time she didn’t
know anything about her father. However, her aunt didn’t really care for her,
and after some continued behavioral issues by Michelene, she decided to send
her to Haiti to live with her father and stepmother.  A year after she went to live with her father
and stepmother, Michelene’s home life was altered again.  Her father decided to leave Michelene with her
stepmother, while he went to live with another woman with whom he had fathered

From the day her father left, Michelene’s situation at home
grew progressively worse.  Her stepmother
wouldn’t pay her school fees even though her aunt continued to send money.   Any time Michelene’s aunt would send
personal items like soap, deodorant, clothes, or shoes, her stepmother would
keep them, and whenever her aunt would call to talk with Michelene, her
stepmother would stay and listen to the conversation.  Her stepmother had her sleep in the backyard
every night and, furthermore, would not feed her.  Fortunately, Michelene had a neighbor who
would provide her with food in exchange for help with some of the chores.

After the
school director referred Michelene to me, I asked her if I could do a home
visit. This idea terrified her. I further asked if she had any other family
that could help her, and she told me about an uncle who lives in another part
of the city. I am now working hard to help Michelene and find her a better
living arrangement.

As a
child advocate, it’s hard to hear these stories about my kids. I often think
that the best thing to do would be to go to the child’s house and resolve the
problem, but at the same time I have to listen to the child’s point of view and
try not to put them in a worse situation.
Often times, my job is to help make my kids feel valued and loved, and
help them have a better life where they are.   In
every case, I trust God to help me work hard for these kids and give them a better

*Name has been changed to protect
the child’s identity.