by Samuel Jean Baptiste, Child

for All is a special program that is being piloted at one of our partner
schools. The kids who are part of this program are in the
restavèk system; they don’t have
access to books at home, nor do they really have time to focus on school as
they have chores to do all day long. Their situation has a negative impact on
their learning. Based on our research in psychology and pedagogy, it is
important for kids to be in a good social environment that promotes learning and
familiarity with books. This is why we plan special sessions where we create
this environment for them. Through these sessions, we have seen Djerry*’s marked
progress in reading.  

lives in a poor area and does not have access to books or a library. However, he
does his best to attend all of the Library for All sessions. At the beginning,
he couldn’t read out loud because he had low self-esteem and a reading level
deficiency.  He does not have people in
his family or social environment who can help him develop his reading ability. This
is why it has been a priority for us to create an environment that promotes
reading during the Library for All sessions. We always plan activities for each
lesson, and we usually ask the kids to stand in front and read individually for
the class.  

Djerry does not even give me time to choose him for this activity. He has
become so motivated that he can’t wait for his turn to read out loud for the
class. He is making progress in pronunciation, intonation and comprehension. He
is now also able to help his classmates during the sessions.

progress is obvious and it proves how important Library for All is for the
kids, in particular those who are in the restavèk
in Haïti. It positively impacts children’s reading levels, and helps
them become smarter in school while they grow in self-esteem and

name has been changed to protect their privacy.