Summer break is almost here, and our kids are very excited about summer camp!  They can hardly wait. Let me share with you how the Restavek Freedom summer camp helps our kids and why we want to continue to have this program each year.

For our children, summer break means more work; more house chores, more water to fetch, more clothes to clean, more dishes to do, etc. They don’t have any time to rest. That’s why most of them would rather go to school, even in the summer.

Now that we have a summer camp for them, they look forward to it more and more each year, as part of their summer vacation. This program helps them in many ways. First, it’s an opportunity for them to meet other kids; they play together, laugh together and learn new things that develop their intelligence and social skills.  Summer camp also helps our kids to become more confident, to increase their self-esteem, to love themselves, to believe in their future, and quite simply, to enjoy the present moment.  The children always feel comfortable at camp because they find love, peace of mind, and joy.

I am so thankful we are able to offer summer camp to our children, and I believe it’s a big step towards the change we want to bring in our kids’ lives.

Find out how you can help the Restavek Freedom summer camps!