By Natacha Desir, Child Advocate

Berline* is 6 years old.  She has lived with her biological aunt ever since her mother passed away.  I first met her last year when our advocates were out on the streets searching for children in restavek to invite into our Child Advocacy Program.  The advocate who found her and her two sisters was very touched by their state.  She
came to the Restavek Freedom office and showed our staff photos of the girls.  No one could believe what they saw.  Each of these girls had orange hair and appeared to be very malnourished. Berline in particular was in very bad condition.  We helped enroll her in school for the very first time.

At the beginning, it was very difficult to talk to her. Berline was shy, had no expression on her face, and did not make eye contact.  Slowly, after meeting and talking with her many times, she began to gain confidence in herself and in other people.

Today I hardly recognize her.  She has completely transformed.  She is the first child to come up to me when I am at her school, she has command of the schoolyard, she laughs, plays, and does her best to have success in school.

Every day as an advocate I experience the power of love, of kindness, of giving hope; Berline is a perfect example of this.  Love can change a child.

*Child’s name has been changed to protect their privacy.