By Samuel Jean Baptiste, Child Advocate

This past school year, we worked together with a group of students from the local university to create a reading club. As a part of this club, we organized a reading contest at the end of the year. Marie*, a 6th grade student from our Child Advocacy program, took part in the contest.  Marie was recruited into our program two years ago, and is a very motivated student.

When Marie found out about the reading contest, she devoted herself to regularly attending the club and worked hard to prepare herself for the contest. She knew she would be competing against other students who were not in our Child Advocacy program. She faced some challenges along the way, but was very determined. She spent a lot of extra time at school practicing and and went on to the finale to compete against another student who is not in our program.

The big day finally came! As part of the grand finale, Marie had to read twice in front of the audience and the judges. They were all so amazed to see how elegantly she held herself whenever she walked on stage to read the text.  The audience, judges and kids from the other school were all amazed. Marie was declared the winner!  We were so proud of how she represented all of the children in the Child Advocacy program. Even the School Director mentioned how much progress Marie had made in her learning.  We are very proud of Marie, and this is why we believe so strongly in the impact education has on the children in our program. Congratulations Marie!

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*Child’s name has been changed to protect their privacy.