“The Zoukoutap Season 2 Launch Party took place on Saturday May, 23rd. All the principal Actors from Zoukoutap Season 1 and Zoukoutap Season 2 Casting crew were there, as well as some of the Media from Port-au-Prince and other provinces were present. Restavèk Freedom and PMC were very well represented. It was such an honor to have Joan Conn and Scott Connolly participating with us. BLOOM presented a short documentary on Zoukoutap from the creation, the alliances between BLOOM, Restavèk Freedom and PMC. It explained how everything works and how much work there is behind each episode. Our distinguished guests enjoyed a live performance of the new Zoukoutap Jingle which took our breath away. And last but not least, we made the first Theatre Forum of this season live in Montana that night, which was based on a rèstavèk story. People were very captivated and concerned by the topic. A Mix of Excitement and Emotions were had all night long.”
Garihanna Jean-Louis