Happy Thanksgiving!  In honor of the U.S. holiday, we asked our Child Advocates in Haiti what they are most thankful for.  They each have so much they are grateful for that we couldn’t possibly fit it all in one blog!  So, we’re doing something special. Each day this week we’re revealing a different advocate’s answer!  Today, hear from Robenson

First, I’m grateful because God is always protecting me in my field work

[as a child advocate]. Sometimes I go into difficult areas, but he protects me.

Second, I’m grateful to feel useful in my country because in working with children in need, I am helping my country. And I am thankful for the joy God gives me with this job.

Finally, what I am perhaps most grateful for, are the relationships I have come to develop with all of my children and the trust they have in me. Without this, the difference we hope to make in the lives of these kids would not be possible.
