saw the impact we are having on these kids’ lives, and how we are bringing them

– Natacha, Restavek Freedom Child Advocate


if this summer, Mirlande* had the opportunity to experience life like a normal
child in Haiti?

children like her, trapped in the system of child slavery called “restavek”,
summer camp is a remarkable chance for them to dream and to make a significant
impact on their lives. Instead of humiliation, Mirlande receives encouragement.
Instead of despair, she sees hope. Instead of laboring all day, she gets to be
a child. Instead of feeling invisible, she is seen, and she is loved.

children like Mirlande, camp represents songs, campfires, talent shows and
crafts. And it means something even more precious: FREEDOM.


summer, you can provide the experience of FREEDOM for hundreds of children!

a typical year, many children go off to camp for the summer, while Haitian
children living in restavek work all day at home. To reach those children who
are often ignored, we created a summer day camp that children in restavek
attend alongside their peers from their very own schools and
neighborhoods.  The kids experience freedom
from their work while building relationships with their classmates who aren’t
in restavek, creating a cultural bridge!

escape the exploitation and humiliation they routinely suffer and experience freedom
through the encouragement and love of our Child Advocates at our summer camp as

  • Enjoy
    painting, drawing and sports
  • Learn
    French, English, and math
  • Learn
    important life skills classes on health, sex education, and children’s rights
  • Express
    themselves through crafts, music, and drama
  • Build
    relationships with their peers, neighbors and Child Advocates

Freedom’s camp is a breath of fresh air
, a true experience of freedom for the
children in our Child Advocacy Program. Nadine, a Restavek Freedom Child
Advocate, excitedly shared, “I won’t
forget the light in Mirlande’s eyes as she finished the handbag she made from
two beautiful bandanas!”


of this camp, many of the children don’t have anyone who cares about them,
listens to them, or loves them.  But at
summer camp, they feel loved and valued. 

When a child returns from camp, they
return changed. As camps encourage engagement with other children in the home,
school and community, these children are now seen as something more than a laborer.
Their perspective, outlook and even treatment can change for the better. Camp
creates a cultural bridge that allows children in restavek to cross that
divide, no longer marginalized by society.

camp sows the seeds for change – not only in the nation’s culture, but in the
hearts and minds of every smiling, singing child. And $47 is all it costs to
send one child to camp in 2016.

goal is to fully fund 300 children!
Would you like to help a child in restavek
experience freedom this summer?  Go to
restavekfreedom.org/SummerCamp and share FREEDOM by sending a child in restavek to camp!

to a generous donor, every gift to this summer camp opportunity WILL BE MATCHED
through May 25, dollar for dollar, up to $7,000!  Thank you in advance for blessing Haiti’s
children this summer!
